The Process of Switching IT Companies...
Concerned about leaving your current IT provider?
Having been in business since 1993, we've seen a lot of businesses struggle unnecessarily when switching IT providers. Though it may seem like an uncomfortable and complex task, it's actually quite simple. Many companies offer PC support, troubleshooting, etc but rarely do they have the depth of knowledge necessary when it comes to the more business services-based transition process. Largely because they either haven't been in business long enough or have been more focused on gaining newly formed businesses as clients. Wave Tech., Incorporated knows how to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.
How do we do this?
The answer lies in our high level of expertise and years of experience transitioning clients from many different IT providers over to our services. Having done this for over a decade we've seen all kinds of situations, so we've had time to develop the most comprehensive and efficient solutions for them. Businesses looking for IT support in Orange County, Los Angeles, and other surrounding cities have enjoyed a pleasant and pain free transition from their previous IT provider to ours.
We're in it for the long haul...
Here's another consideration when thinking about switching IT companies. Businesses who work with one man IT support, smaller IT companies or newly formed IT companies have to be concerned about the longevity and stability of their services. Though it's an uncomfortable subject, the reality is if that IT company fails or the one man IT guy gets sick, you're whole infrastructure suffers. It's always best to go with an established company with a support team who can have you covered securely for years to come.